What went well this week?
Wrapping up the time with Kent and Erin went well this week. Editing the UI and continuing the documentation for Production Page has gone well this week. My meeting with Savannah on New Year's Eve went well. I enjoyed flying to Boston and staying with Jesse and Sam. We had a really good dinner at Myers and Chang on Thursday.
What didn’t go well this week?
The emotional wreck of the New Years Eve sickness did not go well. It was a learning lesson for me with a lot of reflecting. My time with Jesse was trite and I was not happy about him being sick and I was worried about being sick. That was a really tough part of the week. I acknowledge that it was natural, unavoidable, and I worked through it the best way that I could.
What are you grateful for?
I am grateful for my mom helping me through the stress of the New Years Eve sickness. I am grateful for how Maw is doing. I am grateful for Maw working with me on the finances and helping me out with that. I am grateful for the way that the time with Kent and Erin wrapped up. I am grateful that I got to leave for Boston on Thursday. I am grateful for the Berkshire Babes friendship trip.
What are your focus projects?
My focus projects for this upcoming week are Production Page. I am excited to talk to the agency in Vermont and to meet Cori. I wonder if I will chat with Savannah this week. I would like to show her some of the mobile wire frames and some of the coded UI that I have updated this weekend. There is also focus on enjoying New York. I am looking forward to seeing Sunset Boulevard, seeing Noam, and going to the wrap party with Kristen.
