What went well last week? Sticking to the routine has been good this week. Being more assertive in my planning has been good as well. I continued to be reflective about agreeable and disagreeable traits. My work with Jenn went well and that was affirming. Going to the gym was again a success. Still meeting with Savannah on Wednesday went well.
What didn't go well? Working on the app was not consistent and did not go well. My chats did, but I didn't do consistent side work on the app didn't. There was a gap in the work and it was really hard to rip the bandaid to get back started. Glory-Anne backing out of this contract for right now wasn't what I was expecting, but everything happens for a reason right?
What am I grateful for? I am grateful for my time with Maw. I am thankful that I can acknowledge how special that is. I am thankful for Stanley's note in the mail that also acknowledged that. I am grateful for my time with Jesse, specifically yesterday. I am grateful for my calls with Noam, we have chatted more now that he is more in show mode with his Broadway show. Speaking to the app project, I am very grateful for Claude AI. I am very grateful for the app mockup screens that I was able to create - it really gave me an inspiration for the future. I am grateful for Jesse inspiring me to ask Maw about her favorite short stories.
What are my focus projects? My biggest focus projects are on the app and on my writing. I have slacked off a little with the daily blog. I really would like to start to dial up the amplification on the app and my writing. I would like to simply at least touch the app in some tangible way everyday and to simply write more words daily - it could be personal writing or "show your work" writing. I will continue to be reflective and open to more thoughts about coaching/building my brand.
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