Woof, coming here with a heavy heart this evening. This week has had its ups and downs. It also had a holiday in it so that was interesting.
What went well last week? Going to the gym was good for the times that I went this past week. I really needed to go on Saturday for my mental health after Friday. My meeting with Savannah on Tuesday went really well and I am super thankful for that. Starting to listen to the 10x book was a highlight of the week.
What didn't go well? I had an existential breakdown on Friday. On Thursday, Thanksgiving night, I found a competitor of the app and that really sent me for a spiral before bed. It was also followed by a stress dream about going back to school. Friday was a bad day overall; I was in a bad mood with mom and Maw and then being around Jesse hearing him talk all of the doctor talk made me feel childish and insecure. I am really struggling with what I do for work, expertise, meaning, etc. It really is a lot to think about.
What am I grateful for? I am grateful that we had a good Thanksgiving. It was simple with mom, dad, and Maw. I am grateful that I put energy in to making nice table settings for the Thanksgiving lunch. It added something special to it. I am also grateful that I did the cards for the family. I feel like those were well received. I am very thankful for Noam. He really shows up for our friendship and I needed him this week with the uncertainty that Friday brought.
What are my focus projects? My focus projects this week are preparing to leave on Friday. To keep working on the app. Keep my session with Ivan and Savannah on Tuesday. I really want to keep making waves in thinking about my "marketing" existentialism stuff.