What went well this week?
This week was a big holiday week with Christmas on Wednesday. There was lots of family time. One of the unexpected things about family time has been truly how much Kent and Erin have helped me with Production Page. I prepared, what we are now calling, the "stakeholder" meeting for them on Christmas day. It was a milestone meeting from last year when I first presented the idea of the app to them. I went all out and had water bottles, note pads, and pens preset for them on a table with a monitor for showcasing the deck. So there has been a lot of great Production Page progress this past week. It was a big milestone to get the "Path to MVP" document off to Xavier today! Noam and Savannah gave me great affirmation about what I prepared.
What didn’t go well this week?
With a lot of family time, that has been polarizing a little. I did not do a good job at staying active, but I have already started to course correct that. I can't complain about too much not going well this past week. I was in a little bit of a down mood because of the lack of routine and the overwhelm of family time.
What are you grateful for?
I am very grateful for this Christmas with Maw and the rest of my family. I did have a good time with dad's side of the family for Christmas Eve. I am thankful for my general friends. Also, I was doing some thinking tonight and realized that I am coming up on FIVE YEARS ALCOHOL FREE, and that filled me with a huge amount of gratitude. I will celebrate that on February 7th.
What are your focus projects?
My focus projects for this week are 1) Maw, 2) Production Page, and 3) getting things ready to leave for the Boston, the Berkshires, Troy and NYC trip that I leave for on Thursday. For focus, I am the most looking forward to hearing back from Xavier based on the Production Page documentation that I sent to him this morning.
